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From Al Campbell:


Over the last few years I’ve had several medical issues that have unfortunately forced me to “Medically Retire.” Almost my entire adult life I have been able to support myself and my children. When I medically retired, I went on to Social Security Disability. During that transition period I found myself struggling to make ends meet. 


I had heard of the Family Benevolent Fund being available to those members who are in dire straits. I had no idea what a resource this “group” could be. I was too proud to ask for help. A board member of the Family Benevolent Fund (FBF) contacted and spoke with me many times regarding how they could help me. He helped me apply so that I might be able to receive some help. 

These funds paid my rent for the month and paid the deductible for my prosthetic leg. I’m pretty sure without that money, I would have had to cut down a tree to make a peg leg. 

The FBF Board is an awesome group of Deputies, all leaders in their areas. I even learned that the FBF just doesn’t help or assist Deputies. They have the assets and capabilities to help citizens and families that might need it as well. I would encourage anyone reading this testimonial, to make a contribution, help at events, and most importantly SPREAD the word.

Thank you FBF,
Al “Gunny” Campbell


From Kelli Kerstein


I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the help you provided my family.

 Eric Rymarz submitted to you a request to pay for the blood thinner my son so desperately needed. You came to my aid and paid for two months worth for him.

You will never know how helpful this was for us. I was desperate to help him but could not afford that as I’m the only one working.

You have relieved an incredible amount of stress from our lives.

Again, thank you all.

I will pay this kindness forward when I’m able to do so.

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